ABB Baldor

ABB Baldor

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ABB Baldor Motors

Leader in Energy-Savings Industrial Electric Motors

ABB Baldor Motors are offered in a variety of construction enclosures from industrial steel band open designs to harsh applications. ABB is proud to offer motors, generators services, and expertise to save energy and improve customers’ processes over the total life of the product cycle, and beyond.

A Smart Combination

When combining a Baldor motor with an ABB drive, you can rely on reliable design to meet motor control applications. Baldor's motors are designed for optimal variable speed performance and flexibility. To meet your application needs, these motors can have added-value features included like precision balance, special seals, ground brushes, insulated bearings, grease reliefs, extended frames, and much more.

City of Lawrence was able to meet the water demands of residents while minimizing the life cycle cost of the pump, save energy, and reduce maintenance needs with an ABB Drives and ABB Baldor Motors.


Read Their Success Story

ABB Ability

Do you know the health of your motors? Traditionally, there was not much you could do to check the health and operation of a motor, but now that has changed with the ABB Ability Smart Sensor for motors. This smart sensor can pick up data on vibration, temperature and other parameters that can be used to gain meaningful information on the condition and performance of any Totally Enclosed, Fan-Cooled (TEFC) electric motor.




Learn How You Can Extend Equipment Lifetime

AC Motor for every application

Many industries use ABB Baldor Motors for general purpose to severe duty, washdown duty, explosion proof, and more.

Reduce Electricity Costs

Electric motors consume 63% of all electricity used in U.S. industries. Designed and built to meet or exceed NEMA Premium® efficiency standards, Baldor Reliance® Super-E® motors run cooler, last longer and cost less every minute they operate.

Industry's Broadest Line of NEMA Low Voltage Motors

Baldor Reliance general purpose motors provide the longest life and best availability to lower overall operating costs and reduce operational downtime.

Designed For Safety

Baldor Reliance washdown motors are designed for long lasting performance in the harsh environments.

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