Aveva Industrial HMI SCADA Software

HMI/SCADA Industrial Software

AVEVA's HMI/SCADA software enables operational excellence across all industries - providing deep operational insight as the basis of real-time performance management. Traditionally, HMI control systems have inadvertently created a situation of information overload. Along with a shortage of labor and expertise, operators take on the enormous responsibility of deciphering screens in an attempt to interact with devices, control processes, and identify abnormal conditions. AVEVA's unique approach, with advanced situational awareness design and supervisory control and data acquisition, enables operators to see what is happening and focus on the problem.

AVEVA software (formally Wonderware) combats information overload and problems, that seem impossible or complex, become very possible and easy to solve.

The World’s Leading Supplier of HMI, Supervisory and Control Solutions

We have a proud heritage as pioneers of world class, market-leading SCADA and HMI software solutions from Wonderware and a long history of helping our customers solve complex automation challenges across a variety of industries. Now as AVEVA, they are continuously improving to keep you at the forefront of emerging technologies - meaning that you can always expect best-in-class solutions for achieving unparalleled excellence in optimising and future-proofing your operations.



The Benefits of Situational Awareness

Nearly half of all abnormal situations are the result of human error, partly because people must respond to danger signals without a true understanding of the full situation. Traditional HMIs often complicate matters by presenting too much information without context, leaving operators to interpret what matters most. AVEVA situational awareness solutions present the user with highly-contextualised and easily-interpreted information that is specific to the most important process issues while filtering out the noise that distracts operators.



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AVEVA offers advanced visualization on everything from edge to enterprise

Learn how to integrate your components, get your processes under control, and get critical information on demand.


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